Saturday, November 20, 2010

The fire sign

I was born April 1st which makes me an Aries. While this does mean that I am enthusiastic about new projects... I rarely finish one... because I am already onto the next project. I will be excited about starting a new project and eventually it fizzles out and I start a new project that I am just as excited about. It's next to impossible for me to finish the projects that I start unless there is some end goal (money, competition, etc.). Even if I really, really, really want the end goal, sometimes I still don't finish the project.
But for some reason, when it comes to work or school I will finish the project. Maybe it is the competitive atmosphere or the fact that I will fail if I don't finish it... but I know that I have to do it.. so I do.
There are a lot of great things that come with being an Aries. I am very blunt. Which means that people know that they can come to me for my honest opinions. I have gotten in trouble for this trait in the past- so I have learned to tone it down. But when it comes to my own opinion, I will be honest.
The strange thing is, I don't really believe in horoscopes, I have just found that there are many things about my personality that seem to line up with Aries.
Perhaps the fact that I am an Aries is why I fall in love so fast. I jump in and think about it later. I just jump in head first and don't even think about it until things start to go wrong. I ignore warning signs because the relationship is fresh and fun and exciting. I lead the way and see if others are following. I hate waiting around for everyone to catch up. I guess it's the fire in me.

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